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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Safety 1st My @$$

So, I was trying to clip Eli's fingernails today as I'd been putting it off for days and it really needed to be done. We had just gotten back from work so he was still in his carseat and asleep. I didn't want him to wake up so I crouched down and began to clip his fingernails. Well, the clipping noise woke him a little but he was still asleep so I kept going. I was on the pointer finger of his left hand and went to clip and he moved. I ended up cutting a little chunk out of his poor finger! Ugh! He started crying and I started crying, and he was bleeding and crying and I was crying and crying! It was horrible! Not a good day to say the least. He seems okay now and it doesn't seem to bother him, but I still feel like the worlds worst mother! Has this happened to anyone else? So from now on I will be following the advice I got from a friend after telling her my story about today. I will be biting his fingernails only!!! I am super tempted to throw away those stupid Safety 1st clippers. I really thought they were supposed to be not as sharp! Grrrr!

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